The New Resolution
Welcome to the Year 2021 ! This is where you jump up and down in sheer excitement over leaving 2020 and its mayhem behind. But as you can see from the news concerning the continuing Covid-19 death toll raising and the unruly protest in our Nation’s capital, that we clearly did not leave everything in the past. In fact, I’m sure many of you probably even made New Year’s Resolutions to direct your focus in a positive light, but may I offer a suggestion instead . . . . Just Become Better! My challenge is simple. If we each strive to become better, then we will have done half the…
Will There Ever Be A Normal
After this year no will ever be able to say 2020 was a boring year. In fact it has been quite the opposite so far. This is the first time in known history where the world has had to work together on the same problem. That problem being the world pandemic Covid-19 or the Corona Virus. Only in movies and television shows have we seen the world locked down in a quarantine state such as we have these past eight weeks. Since the prophets of old like Daniel and John have we been so fascinated by post apocalyptic life and in some ways we have come very close to those…
In The Waiting Room With God
I do not like waiting rooms! Which should be of no surprise since we do live in a world of instant gratification. We want everything handed to us now and we don’t like to wait for it. The very thought of waiting in a “waiting room” is even beneath some of us. You come in with your insurance, you expect to be seen with no delays and get healed; but that is not quite the case. Today’s media has gotten us so fooled into believing that everything happens at this fast paced tempo that we start to treat everything in life like an In and Out Burger joint demanding immediate…