The Wrap Up
The Wrap Up
*This is a reprint of an email sent on June 6, 2018
Greetings Friends and Family,
I can’t believe it’s been three weeks already and now it’s time to start wrapping things up. In under a week from now, I’ll be heading back to the states to try and get used to regular life again. I can honestly say I have accomplished everything and more in this trip. The whole purpose for my being here was to experience life as a missionary and become acclimated to the ministry, while listening to the voice of God as to what should be my next move. This time He answered every question and opened a few more for me. But one thing is for sure….I’ll be back! (Sounded so much cooler in my head with the Austrian accent)
There is so much that has happened on this trip that I can’t begin to discuss it all and I think I’ll be analyzing it for months to come. But I thank God for this opportunity to come and search despite some of the fears that may have been lurking inside me. I know all of your prayers were carrying me through it. Here’s just a few take-aways I got from this trip:
- This is where I was supposed to be. I remember questioning God last September as to why he wanted me here in Austria and he has made it so clear to me why I had to return and why I need to continue ministering here in the future,
- The people of Austria are hungry! The people of Austria are hungry for truth but don’t know it. I gave the example the other day that it’s like they have been invited to a dinner party and they are filling up on fruit and granola, but they don’t realize there’s a feast in the next room that can be just for them. “The people that walked in darkness will see a great light.” Isaiah 9:2.
- This is fertile ground for spreading the Word to the world! It was exciting to be a part of a church that is devoted to spreading the gospel; but it becomes another dynamic when that church is a missionary church that wants to plant other churches and send missionaries into the world as well. Now that’s something to get excited about y’all!
There is so much I would love to share with you at this time but I will keep it short. What I can say is this; I was extended an invitation to join the team at VCC as a missionary and I have accepted. I will eventually join them in their efforts to spread the gospel, develop leaders and plant churches throughout Austria, Europe and the World. Pray for me and my church as we look to the future of my involvement in this ministry and how God will further use me. Thank you all for the continued support and God bless. Until we meet again.
In His service,
Nathan Graves